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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Kaylee and Coraline update, plus possible new costume and dr who scarf..

Hi everyone

It's been a couple months since my last update.
But I have things actually worth mentioning this time around.
I now have a sewing machine, which means I actually started sewing my Kaylee dress today. (FINALLY!)  The back panel is kinda confusing me at the moment, because this in general is breaking new ground for me. I'll post photos when I've got the bodice to at least a 50% finished stage, right now it's at the 17%ish stage.

I also now have a raincoat for my Coraline cosplay.
Which means all i really need now is possibly a blue wig and yellow gumboots.

Also for those who know me from other sites.. yeah... might have noticed a mild obsession with the character of Loki from  Avengers and Thor. If you haven't seen either already. GO AND WATCH THEM. they are awesome. back on topic,
I'm currently considering a genderswapped loki cosplay costume as well.. either that or a dress inspired by loki's costume... possibly both.
I'll get back you all on that one, I still have Princess Luna from MLP to finish as well as my River Tam dress. but they are further down the list of things to get done.

Also I've knitted a seemingly freakishly long dr who scarf.
Pics will come when i next do a photo post. I got the pattern off here.
It was a fun activity and was something i've always wanted to make.

Happy Cosplaying
I promise photos ASAP

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